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Prepare to Study Abroad

Your Cornell experience is unique, and so are your global learning goals. You may want to learn more about a place or culture, increase your language fluency, sample a different learning environment, or explore a potential career path. Education Abroad is here to help you navigate the process and find the right opportunity for you.

Cornellians Abroad at Hubs

Cornell Global Hubs provide students with exciting opportunities at locations worldwide for semester and short-term study abroad, field experiences, internships, participation in faculty-led research, and more.

You'll be embedded in life at another world-class university in a culturally rich region, engaging with local and other international exchange students, with access to a wide range of classes that return to your Cornell degree. Global Hubs programs offer a multitude of classes taught in English, as well as language coursework.

Discover Global Hubs Programs

Check out this video to hear from some recent study abroad students at Cornell Global Hubs(link is external) and find out how you can start planning for a Hubs semester abroad.

Follow @cornelliansabroad on Instagram

Connect with Your Advisors

When you're ready to start planning your study abroad experience, the Education Abroad advising team is involved in each stage of the process. Our advisors offer advice to help you choose a program and guide you through the application and admissions process. Once you are accepted, your advisor can help you prepare for your departure with guidance on the visa application process and health and safety, and answer questions you have as you prepare to leave.

Your college advisor is also a key contact for you as you plan to study abroad. Every college has specific academic policies and requirements, and it is important that you understand what they are. For example, are you required to enroll in a certain number of credits while you are abroad? Can you earn credit toward your major? Can you transfer distribution requirements? Are there specific language or area studies requirements for study abroad? You should schedule an appointment or email with your college advisor to ask these types of questions.

Visit our Get Advice page to get in touch with an Education Abroad or college advisor.

Most students start the process by browsing program options and talking with a college advisor about academic requirements and academic planning. You can also learn more about study abroad programs and talk with recently returned students by attending events such as the fall International Fair, information sessions, and student panels hosted by the Office of Global Learning and your college.

Be sure to make a visit with an Education Abroad advisor an early stop in your planning process.

It is important to understand how study abroad fits within your major or minor. Many departments on campus allow students to go abroad and earn credit that directly applies to major and minor requirements. Other departments are more restrictive. Review our Academics page and talk to your faculty or college advisor to find out what is and is not allowed.

The study abroad application in Experience also requires a course approval process that guides you through the steps in getting credit approved to return. Cornell students of any major and college are eligible to declare an interdisciplinary global minor(link is external) from the Einaudi Center. Many students who study abroad are able to complete both language minors and area studies minors.

Absolutely! The Office of Global Learning can't confirm exactly how your credits earned abroad will be applied to specific graduate requirements for your major. We do know, at the very least, that your credits earned abroad can return to Cornell as elective credit toward general graduation requirements.